Friday, November 19, 2021



We had to make a D.L.O on angles that we were working on all week.   This was pretty easy because I know angles not that badly.

Friday, November 12, 2021


In this we had to make a compass to make this scenery.   this was pretty easy to do.


This was fun to make and again it was for fun.   It isn't done but so far it looks good.

Corgi and Giraffe


This I have done in my free time.   It isn't finished but I like what I have done so far.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

How to make an immortal potion


In this slide show I explain how to make a immortal potion.   I know it isn't real but it was really fun to make.   It was really easy and I recommend making one your self.

Friday, November 5, 2021

What does endangered mean


I have learnt what endangered means in different words than I already knew.   This wasn't that hard because I already knew what endangered means.

Where do pandas live


    I have learnt where pandas live.   This was hard to research where         pandas live but I found a lot of places.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Tuesday Maths


For maths today we had to make a pyramid out of things inside our houses and only move three circles.We also had to choose what we would buy with only five dollars.
The pyramid one was very hard to figure out but the second one was really easy.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Chapter Chat So Far


The Chapter Chat book we are reading is MEGA MONSTER and the activity's for it is really fun.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Baskets of Fire story

Here is a link to my Canva story

We had to use canva to retell the story Baskets of Fire.  I found this pretty hard because it is my first time using canva but after a while I bet I will get used to it.  My favourite part was finding the music for it I don't why but it's just my favourite part.

Monday, June 28, 2021

This is volume and capacity dun dun dun


We are learning to know the deference between capacity and volume.This is something new to me and it was confusing at first but when Mrs glue gave an example I understand it a lot more.   

Friday, May 28, 2021


I have been learning how to write creatively in one hundred words.  During this I learnt how to use the word count tool.  I think I improved on my typing.

If I were a superhero

If I were a superhero I would have the power to transform into anything I want.So that means I can become into Chavonne and annoy Chavonne whenever I want.I would also trick my friends and become one of them.I would also become a dog so I can annoy my dog Daisy.One of the last things I will do is become Chavonne's chrome book and hide hers and then scare her by being a talking chrome book.I would become a cat to annoy my dog because it will be fun to be a cat.

By:Chantelle Jordaan

Friday, May 21, 2021

Maths M3 2021


Maths like this is easy an fun and I enjoy it very much plus I'm with my own teacher.

Friday, April 16, 2021


This project was an extra type of project that I was meaning to do in the holidays but I finished it on one day on accident so here is the drama that I made.


We are learning to make an animation and to copy and past slides.I enjoyed making this and enjoyed when I made a mistake that I  can learn from.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Chantelle boat


I have been learning to make a animations from google slides and to use different tools.I had a lot of fun making this and I think I'm going to make some more when I get free time.

Friday, March 19, 2021

My super hero car man

                                                                                              and deliver the food to his grandchildren

This activity was really easy to do all we had to actually had to do was make sentences that where longer  than 1 or 2 words.What I learnt was to make longer sentences than a couple of random words.I think I did really well and I don't need to change anything about it. 



Friday, March 5, 2021

Our tower


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thank you


Thank You

WALT:  use adjectives to express our feeling

I got this lovely note from my friend Poppy.I got it because I gave her a family of salvanian dolls for her 10th birthday.I felt happy that she liked the gift.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Poetry Anthology


This is my poetry anthology and my favourite poem was my acrostic poem.